Taking care of lingerie is always a maze and we know that it’s tricky to navigate so we thought it would be a good idea to draw you a map on how to care for your Edge o’ Beyond treasures!
Edge o’ Beyond’s founder Naomi was recently featured commenting on caring for lingerie in a BBC News Article “Is Stella McCartney right – should we stop washing our clothes?”. We thought that because so many people don’t realise how they could be damaging their beautiful lingerie we would write you a guide for lifelong lasting lingerie!
Naomi was quoted in the BBC article advising Edge o’ Beyond customers hand wash their pieces, approximately every five wears, with something soft and gentle, like baby shampoo (a great way to care for individual lash extensions too!). Before washing any of our lingerie or swimwear don’t forget to remove any of our jewellery and fasten hook and eyes to avoid snagging.
If you have any of our lingerie featuring Nappa leather detailing you can also purchase our Edge o’ Beyond Luscious Leather Lotion to add shine back into your leather! Apply this creamy treatment once your leather garments are dry by applying to a clean, soft cloth and softly buffing it into your pieces.
Once cleaned avoid crumpling your lingerie into one pile and instead sort your bras by the different cup styles and lay them in a line in a draw. This will prevent the cups of your bras from puckering or bending from being stored inverted or folded and lengthen your bra’s life.
Treating your Edge o’ Beyond jewellery with a little TLC will go a long way in increasing it’s lifespan. Between uses keep your jewellery shining by storing it in its pouch. Avoid getting your jewellery in direct contact with perfumes, deodorants, beauty and haircare products; they’re there to boost your confidence, not your jewellery’s!
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